HPTYL Eclipsed But Back in Full Again!

Well, it seems that recently my regular HTPYL work has been eclipsed by a big round plateful of other stuff—you know, the usual litany… some health stuff, family stuff, a couple of presentations to prepare, conferences to attend, other travel, etc.   But the...
How to Volunteer With Your Camera

How to Volunteer With Your Camera

Today is Martin Luther King Day. It is the only holiday that’s been designated a national day of service. It’s intended to be a day on, not a day off. Organizations large and small and individuals around the country take time on this day to volunteer to do...
How to Use Your iPhone Burst Function

How to Use Your iPhone Burst Function

Here’s an iPhone function that is incredible technology and super useful. It’s also a little frustrating (OK, more than a little frustrating) if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s the Burst function. Burst means you hold the shutter button down and it shoots 10...
We’ve relaunched our travel workshops!

We’ve relaunched our travel workshops!

We are so excited to relaunch our live workshop program with a top favorite destination!! Have you ever considered taking a photography workshop? It could be the best thing you ever do for your photography, your confidence, and your soul! WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW TO SEE...
Sorrowful Times

Sorrowful Times

Consider me among the wordless in this country who can’t make any sense of what’s happened in the last couple weeks. It’s hard to disassociate what we do here with photography and pictures of families, especially children, and not be moved to our...

How to Pace Your Photo Stories

Last weekend I viewed a set of photographs that showed up on my iPhone—and beautiful photographs they are! But there was something about the pacing of this photo story that caused me to second guess some presentation decisions The New York Times made that we all face...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#1. Louise Bradt   The child is almost secondary for me in this wonderful family photo. What I find so delightful is the way those curved sprinkle lines from the upper left-hand corner find their way to that goofy face on the father holding the sprinkler. This is...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#2. BevAnne Moynham   BevAnne has given us many wonderful nature/animal photographs over the years, but this may be the very best. It’s like sculpture. We have all been inspired by the way you’ve grown as a photographer. There is no doubt you are making the...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#3. Laureen Dickinson’s daughter   This photograph is thoughtful and brave. Sometimes it’s best if I just keep my mouth closed. Here are Laureen’s words which are as powerful as the photograph: “Taken this morning by our daughter at the Drs. My husband was just...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#4. Janice Phillips   Janice was given 30 minutes of photo time at the local hockey arena to execute her fairly complicated double exposure. Then there’s the hours of editing and cutting and pasting when you get back home. The end is a seamless and polished dream...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#5. Barbara Ann   This one broke me up. Here’s what Barbara said: “My 22-year-old son Dillon saying goodbye to our 19-year-old Cavalier King Charles spaniel MaCree. The vet entered the room a few moments later. When it was over he comforted Dillon by telling him...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#6. Kay Keeshan   Kay has done such a fine job of describing the scene I will just let her words do it. “Boys (at this age) are just not sure about receiving a kiss from a girl, especially from their sister – yuck. This photo takes me back (many years ago)...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#7. Mike Cummins   Mike followed a pretty dependable formula to track this photograph down. He saw a dramatic sky and jumped in the car to see what he could see. He saw this. There are certain photographs that are about the medium and not the message. For me,...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#8. Carol Klein VanLaan   Lighting becomes “back” lighting when the light source is back behind the subject. When back lighting is good it’s REALLY good. Hollywood loves back lighting. Walt Disney loved back lighting. Yes, Snow White is full of it. I think I can...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#9. Robert Rear   Every time Robert posts a photograph of an eagle on this site I think it’s one of the best pictures of an eagle I’ve ever seen and then he posts another picture. We are so lucky to have you sharing with us, Robert. Thank you. The story behind...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#10. Heather Killoran Rees   This is a pretty spectacular portrait of a spectacular creature—a praying mantis. The whole scene appears to be made of glass. Apparently it had just rained or that’s early morning dew. The contrast of the green bug against the red...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#11. Steve Shinsky   If I told you that Steve had his helicopter painted red just so it would make a nice color coordinated photograph of him and his wife would you believe me? Well, I just made that up, I think they were in Alaska and hired a helicopter ride....

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#12. Terryl Hicks   You don’t have to love sports or even like sports to appreciate the beauty and humanity of what keeps coming out of Terryl‘s camera. When you reach a certain level of competence and artistry in photography it’s time to latch onto one subject...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#13. Leila Thompson Flavell   I’ve known several photographers like Leila. They only shoot good photographs. Or at least they create the illusion that they only shoot good photographs. They actually shoot some marginal photographs like the rest of us but they...

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