Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#14. Vicki Finlay   She spent a few hours at the arboretum and found this treasure. I love the idea that the composition and lighting simply reinforce how beautiful and exquisite the flowers are. They all become one, in the same spirit. It’s a joy to shoot a...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#15. Lorie Caruso Mutschler   She got a make-up kit for her birthday and immediately became time to do great grandma’s make-up. One minute these little ones are squirming around in their diapers and the next minute they’re doing great grandma’s makeup. It’s hard...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#16. Nicole Ethridge   The girls were a little younger then, but there they are still in the dark, alone but together. It’s silly of me, of course, to point out that photographs help preserve memories. But it’s a very different experience to say it than to see it...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#17. Terri Van Den Einde   I like this photograph so much because it’s dramatic and well-composed. Obviously, the lighting is beautiful, too. But the photograph itself is so unusual. We’ve had so many pictures of football players posted here over the years and...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#18. Belinda Anne Stanley   I honestly hate to come off as sounding so clinical here. This is such a wonderful example of getting close to your subject in the interest of telling a story. What do you show? What do you not show? The answer is often show what you...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#19. Connie Nothdurft Erikson   Personally, I would’ve waited until a tornado blew by before I pushed the button, but to each her own. But seriously, I’ve never seen this situation before – a rainbow and lightning in the same 125th of a second. I’m not sure...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#20. Susan DiCamillo   Hats off to Susan for recognizing real life and having the good sense to simply record it simply. There’s nothing fancy going on here. It is what it is. Susan’s friend brought her son to work. What a great image of our times. It’s...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#21. Brenda Akins   No bus, no picture. Or at least, no story. But when you put all of these elements together it’s a beautiful story and I don’t believe we’ve ever seen quite this exact version over the years. Saying goodbye to his toys on the first day of...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#22. Kathy Doten ​ This is a beautiful image. I don’t have much else to say here that won’t be distracting. Here’s what Kathy said: “My last visit with my Mom (she died from COVID April 2020) taken as a selfie and my most cherished picture.” Are you seeing our Daily...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#23. Judy Connick   This is straight out of Ansel Adams’s playbook. Don’t over expose the highlights and hold detail in your shadows.  If you can pull that off you have grabbed your viewers by their hearts and minds. (With a modern digital camera you start by...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#24. Louise Rodgers Sumner   You should’ve seen the dog when they read A Cat in the Hat. Actually, it’s better this way. Look at the look on that dog’s face! Precious is certainly one word for it. But let me just say what Louise has done to perfection here. She...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#25. Rebecca Martin   There are lots of life lessons to be learned from this photo not the least of which is don’t run a six foot long chain saw barefooted, especially if your legs are three long. The math is just not in your favor. Other than that this picture...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#26. Jayne Lang Frahmann   I know, I’m a sucker for white owls in white snowy trees. This is just a beautiful nature photograph. Love this. Holy smokes, look at that camouflage! Wow! Here’s what Jayne said: “Took a mental health drive through the frosty Wisconsin...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#27. Denise Decloux   No, it’s not Oz. It’s Denise’s Vancouver seen from a client’s office. A cluster of boats, a mountain range backdrop, and a panorama of late afternoon clouds make it tempting to declare this an illustration, but it’s not. It’s the real deal....

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#28. Diane Steever Anderson   These are sisters 13 years apart. I think what makes this work so well is that we only see one face. We can see enough of the hidden face to see what appears to be a smile. At the very least we get that it’s a powerful, loving...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#29. Jasmin Lord   It’s Jasmin’s four girls. Sure, you can’t see their faces but this is one serious relationship photo – the relationship between siblings and and the rest of the universe. Gorgeous.   Are you seeing our Daily Fan Photos on Facebook?...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#30. Charles S. Acson   This is a great storytelling picture for 2021. Charles said exactly what we think at our house. “I hope she’s doing her homework.” Are you seeing our Daily Fan Photos on Facebook? Click here if you'd like to! Don't forget to leave a...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#31. Orion Hardwick   First of all, Orion and I are related somehow. His father is my cousin. Perhaps one of you genealogy people could explain to me what the official term for that is. But regardless, I am taking full credit for any genetically acquired...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#32. Kristin Pehl   This picture was not found, it was created. There are all kinds of people with all kinds of brains who take all kinds of photographs. This one was preconceived in Kristin’s mind’s eye. She saw it before she pushed the button. It was hand...

Top 50 Fan Photos of 2021

#33. Terri Viola’s daughter   We’ve had a lot of these triangular relationship photographs on this page. This picture was: 1. Taken by Terri’s daughter of 2. Terri’s grand daughter and 3. Posted by Terri. (Terri gets around.) And when it looks this good, when the...

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